Hi Everyone,
Having learned how to move chess pieces, it’s time to learn how to attack an opponent’s pieces!
The rook is “looking at” one of its own pieces (the white bishop) and one of the opposing pieces (the black knight). The white bishop is standing in its way. So the rook can go no further than f3. It is not allowed to jump over the bishop to reach h3.
The rook is attacking the knight, and it can capture the black knight.
I am showing this with a red frame around the piece.
The rook is not allowed to leap over the knight to get to c7 or c8.
Remember: capturing is allowed, but it is not compulsory!
Attacking with Various Pieces
In the given position, you can see all your pieces can attack opposing pieces. In this position, three white pieces are attacking three black pieces.
Attacking Safely
When you attack one of your opponent’s pieces, you must make sure that you yourself cannot be taken.
Let’s do the exercises. There are multiple answers, so think in your head and don’t get captured!
Puzzle 1
Puzzle 2
Puzzle 3
Puzzle 4
Summing Up
You can capture a piece which you are attacking. Remember, you don’t always have to capture.
The knight is the only piece that can jump over pieces. So you cannot move beyond opposing pieces. Only the knight can move over its own or opposing pieces. It can also leap over pieces to capture one.
If you attack an opposing piece, you must ensure that your own piece cannot be taken.
So: attack but safely!