The previous Double Attack blog was getting larger, so I divided it into two parts. I will cover some nuances of the chess game with a double attack.

Many Possibilities

The queen can give check safely and attack the rook from various squares.

Faulty Double Attack

After a check on d5, the rook is saved by interposing.

After a check on f3, the rook is saved by interposing.

The Correct Attack

Now the rook cannot be saved by interposing.

Which Double Attacks Win the Knight?

Imagine the white queen in your head and where to put it on the board in such a way that Black loses his knight to a double attack. Work out how many squares that is possible?

The Target: Material

For a double attack with the queen, the target must be unprotected. The queen is so valuable that the attack on a protected piece does not make sense (unless another piece is helping).

In this position, there is an easy double attack. The knights cannot protect one another, so White has a wide choice. How many possible attacks are there?

A Winning Double Attack

From a1 and d4, the queen is attacking both unprotected pieces. But it is only from d4 that this will win material. The queen is preventing the black defense Rg7-a7. The queen on a1, however, would allow the defensive move.

Let’s Do Some Tests Now

Puzzle 1

Imagine the queen in your head. What square is correct for a double attack?

Puzzle 2

Puzzle 3

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